Thursday, May 3, 2007

Gilmore Girls: She made it her own, dawg!

I'm coming a day late to the "Gilmore Girls" party, so after the spoiler jump, I'm only going to talk about The Scene. If you watched the episode already, you know what I'm talking about. And if you haven't, you may as well just watch it on YouTube, because it so thoroughly dwarfs everything else in the episode that it renders the rest of the hour almost irrelevant.

Sweet fancy Moses! Not that the Emmys will ever recognize this show -- if "The Lauren Graham Rule" couldn't get her a nomination, nothing will -- but her karaoke rendition of "I Will Always Love You," begun as a joke and then turning into a very on-the-nose commentary on her relationship with Luke, was a three-minute acting master class. It took a song I despise with every fiber of my being and made it incredibly moving. Every single "American Idol" contestant could stand to watch that scene to learn a thing or 12 about selling the emotions of a song.

Now, the important question: Is this the best single moment of Lauren Graham's career, or does that award have to go to the car sex scene in "Bad Santa"? Fire away, though I'm guessing we're going to have an extreme gender split on these results.

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