Monday, April 21, 2008

The Redskins Decision to Send Cheerleaders to India

Greetings, it's your old pal McLean Stevenson here, the king of career choices. Being the king allows me to make fun of other people who are making bigger mistakes than I ever did. This is the part where I would link back to my own personal blog, but I don't update it because I have a life. Just kidding. It's because I'm dead, people. How do you still not get this?

The Redskins Cheerleaders are in India to create the first-ever cheerleading squad in that country for the Royal Challengers Bangalore, part of the new Indian Premier League (IPL). And I'm guessing it is cricket team.

But as you can imagine, the locals aren't too keen on the cheerleading broads, even though they were once called the hottest in the league by the fabulous Michael Strahan. The Redskins appearance even drew protests from some of the Indian residents who called them a part of an "alien culture."

What, do you mean that Indians didn't destroy an entire culture and then name their sports teams after them? There are no Prancing Paki's of New Delhi? If the NFL is going to send cheerleaders overseas to help promote a global game, why do you pick a team with a nickname that is consider offensive by some? You had to know that the Indian culture might be a little resistant to the American influence of having cheerleaders, but sending over a team with "Redskins" blazon on their chest might not have been the best move.

How can anybody be this stupid? This would be like Major League Baseball trying to promote it's game in Japan by sending over boxes of "Horry Kow" T-shirts. (Although, if the Japanese are that upset about this, they can take another tour of the U.S.S. Arizona. I served in the Navy in World War II before going to Northwestern.)

Congratulations, Redskins. For so long you have just been our little secret like a racist uncle who makes blue jokes at Thanksgiving. But now you have a billion people who hate you now. I give this a stern thumbs down.

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