Thursday, April 10, 2008

Survivor & American Idol elimination thoughts

In my current technology-impaired environment, I was able to flip back and forth between both "Survivor" and "American Idol" tonight (plus a bit of "My Name Is Earl"). My emphasis was on "Survivor," but brief spoilers for both reality eliminations coming right up...

Well, the best moment of "Survivor" was already shown in the previews last week: "That's a stick!" And while it filled me with excitement for this episode at the time, it ruined the anticipation of seeing Eliza and Jason come face to face with the truth about that stupid thing.

Eliza had oddly become my favorite Favorite this season, after Jonathan and Yau-Man left and Cirie started believing her own hype a bit much, and so I'm disappointed she's gone, and that Parvati seems ascendant, but what can you do? It's rare that I'm 100 percent satisfied with the winner, and one of the remaining people could surprise me by getting in my good graces before the end. (And/or Whatsername or Whoserface could surprise me by reminding me who they are.)

(One other "Survivor" note: seeing them recycle that immunity challenge from Palau reminds me once again to be annoyed that they couldn't have bothered to bring back even one Palau contestant. You mean to tell me Ian vs. Ozzy in a battle of human dolphins wouldn't have been awesome?)

As for "American Idol," I didn't watch a single minute of Idol Gives Back on Wednesday -- and I wasn't alone, as the ratings were down 33 percent from last year's bait-and-switch non-elimination show -- and I only put on enough of tonight's show to see that Michael Johns had gotten the boot.

On the one hand, Michael had only managed to deliver two really strong performances during the audience participation part of the season -- the Queen medly two weeks ago and last week's pimp spot soul performance -- and as we saw with Chikezie, two memorable performances aren't enough when other contestants have psycho fanbases. On the other hand, Michael at least had the potential to do something really memorable, which is more than I can say about Syesha or Kristy Lee (unless they were more impressive than I might have imagined on Tuesday night, which I also didn't see). So we go into the top six with two pieces of deadweight, two one-trick ponies with pretty looks but limited vocal chops (Jason and Brooke), one contestant with great vocal skills and no charisma (Carly), and the two Davids. Can we just skip ahead to the finals now?

What did everybody else think?

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