Monday, June 11, 2007

Setting The Record Straight

Be honest, there is nothing The Sopranos could have done short of Meadow Soprano full-frontal nudity on Sunday night that would have pleased the general public. That's because the general public is full of dopes. (Not you though, you are cool.)

Dating back to the Seinfeld finale when a couple of morons decided it was a letdown, the lemmings have followed suit and panned every series finale thereafter. And it's just wrong. If you didn't see the brilliance of the Seinfeld finale, then you have to question whether you were even a fan of the show. Bringing back all of the bit characters who made the show was a touch of brilliance. Some complained that it was far-fetched. A real stretch from previously storylines such as George pretending to be a marine biologist and prying a Titleist (hit by Kramer) out of the blowhole of a whale. Yes, the finale was a real stretch.

And if you really think the Seinfeld finale was bad, check out the Sports Dork himself Bill Simpson who spent the better part of his chat bitching about The Sopranos. (And yes, ESPN is only relevant for Sopranos nowadays.)

Chris (Louisville, KY): I think we can blame any series ending letdown on Jerry Seinfeld. After that stink bomb every director is gonna try to do the same thing and put their "stamp" on the finale.

SportsNation Bill Simmons: See, now that was a bad series finale! The show should have ended with Elaine and Jerry ending up together.

The Dork will likely print a retraction in coming days saying he was kidding, but would have been the worst possible ending. That would have been so out of character, you wonder if the Dork even watched the show. So for those of you thinking the Seinfeld finale was weak, be glad that people like the Sports Dork are no longer writing for television.

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